Finding New Ways to Stay Connected, to Be Together Apart
For eleven years, SOS Meals on Wheels has hosted an Annual Spring Luncheon the Saturday following Mother's Day to celebrate our wonderful community. Always a good time for old friends and new to catch up and bond over our shared purpose: to fight hunger and isolation amongst our elderly neighbors.

Clearly, such a gathering is not possible this year and, well, we are missing it. We are missing you all. Just for fun, here are few photos from the last couple Luncheons.
Human beings are social animals. Staying physically distant from the people we care about is hard. Especially so during times of stress and illness when our instinct is to comfort one another with a hug, the squeeze of a hand, a shared meal. We have had to find new ways of staying connected, of being together while apart.

As part of our effort to stay connected during this time, we would love to hear from you! Tell us: How are you nourishing that fundamental human need for togetherness during this pandemic? Zoom parties? FaceTime? Watch parties on Facebook? Email your answer to and we will share the most creative ideas on social media and an upcoming e-blast.
One of the silver linings in all of this is that more people are becoming aware of the plight of the most vulnerable members of our community, like homebound seniors. More people are thinking about how painful social isolation can be and how essential human connection is. More people are realizing that access to food is not guaranteed. And more people are recognizing that we can only function as a healthy society if we all do our part. Thank you for doing yours.

Stay safe, and for now, stay distant,

Charlie Deterline, Executive Director